What is Yoga and why should I practice it?
Discover the ancient practice of yoga, which involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote physical and mental well-being. Learn about its history and modern-day benefits.
How To Build A Steady Meditation Routine – also when traveling
Hello beautiful world out there 🌻 Many of us already know that meditation is beneficial, but we maybe struggle to build a regular meditation practice – or at least it happens often to me with all the stuff happening every day, long to do lists and just every day life.
VIPASSANA and 10 DAYS IN SILENCE .. What to expect when attending Vipassana
Discover the art of living with Vipassana meditation, a technique based on Dhamma, the law of nature. Experience the constant change of bodily sensations and cultivate greater peace and happiness. Read about one person’s ten-day course at the Dhamma Pataka Centre in Worcester, South Africa.